This page was last updated on: September 9, 2014
What are those letters in front of and behind the names?

OFA - Orthopedic Foundation for Animals  Link

H&E - behind the OFA would mean Hips and Elbows

CHIC -  OFA Certified for hips, Elbows, Cardio, thyroid and GSDCA temperament tested.

HIC - Herding Instinct certified

HCT - Herding capability tested

TC - Temperament certified through the GSDCA

CGC - Canine Good Citizen

TDI - Therapy Dog International

DNA - tested the DNA and is on record with the AKC

CH - Champion

AKC - American Kennel Club

CKC - Canadian Kennel Club

UKC - United Kennel Club

Int'l  - International Kennel club

CD - Champion dog, a novice obedience title

U-CD - United Kennel Club Champion dog, a novice obedience title

CDX - Champion dog excellence, an open obedience title

UD - Utility Dog, utility obedience title

IPO1 - International Schutzhund title first degree

SchH - Protection dog title 3 degrees, I, II, III

AOE - Award of Excellence, must have a select title, performance title, OFA'd hips and elbows, and temperament tested.

HT - Herding Tested

CERF - eye tested clear of eye problems

GV - Grand Victor, number 1 dog in the specials class at a national show.

Select - rating at a national show

ROM - recieved the qualifying amount of points from their progeny's achievements.